Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students -
Gupta Period –Rise of the Gupta dynasty, Samudragupta, Chandragupta II, Skandgupta and their political achievements.
Gupta administration and Land revenue system.
Society, economy and religion during this period.
Development of art, architecture, literature, philosophy , science and technology.
Later Guptas and the decline of the Guptas.
Formation and expansion of the Vardhana Empire.
Conquests and administration of Harsha.
Religion, Education at the time of Vardhana Dynasty
Accounts of Hieun –Tsang.
Palas ,Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas- The Tripartite Struggle.
Society , Polity ,Art & Religion during this period.
Fall of the Rajputs
Pallavas andCholas. Political achievements of the Chola rulers,
Features of Chola Administration, Development of art, architecture and literature.
· Majumdar R.C. – Ancient India
· R.S. Tripathi – History of Ancient India, Delhi, Motilal Banarasidass, 1992.
· Krishna Gopal Sharma, Kamal Nayan etc. – Prachin Bharat Ka Itihas (Hindi)
· Romilla Thapar – A History of India, Vol., I, Pelican, 1966, Penguin, Harmondsworth