Course Rationale: This course is meant to equip the students with the fundamentals expected of an educated person. The aim is to create general awareness on a variety of subjects which will have relevance for careers in civil services, management and related areas.
The First war of Independence- 1857
Indian Renaissange in the 19th Century- Role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Dayanand Saraswati and Swami Vivekananda;
Causes for the Rise of Nationalism in India;
Foundation of Indian National Congress- the Moderates and Extremists;
Role of Gandhi in the National Movement
Solar System ( Name of Planets and Satelites, recent Inventions), Earth interior (major layers), major Climatic Division (Classifications), World’s Major Rivers, Mountains and Peaks, Volcanoes,Earthquakes (Name and distribution) , Drifting Continents (seven continents) Major Pressure Belts and wind systems.
India and Rajasthan: Physical Divisions, Climate, Drainage (Major River Systems) , Soils, Minerals, Natural Vegetation, Agriculture ( Wheat, Rice, and Sugarcane) Population (Density and Distribution) Major Multipurpose irrigation Projects, Transports (National, State Highways, Railways and Airports), Tribes (Naga, Gond, Bhils
Constitution of India-Salient features; Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties;
Basic introduction of the Indian Parliament; Organs of Government- Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.
Political Parties; Election system; Electoral reforms in India
Introduction to Panchayati Raj System in India;
Basic principles of India’s foreign policy;
Human body: Body Statistics, Body Basic and Diseases- Malnutrition, AIDS, Hepatitis Sars and deficiencies.
Foods and Nutrition: Classification of nutrients; Balanced Diet
Science and Technology: Astronomy, Satellites and Space Programme of India
Current Environmental Issues: Green house Effect; Ozone Depletion and its effect on climate; Bio-diversity and its conservation; its role in sustaining environment
Nobel Prizes of the year
Mental Ability: Reasoning and Logic
Basic characteristics of Indian Economy as a developing economy;
A brief introduction to the various Five year Plans of India, particulary the latest plan.
Concepts of national income-GNP (at factor cost and market price). GDP, NNP (at factor cost and market price). Personal income and Disposable Personal Income.
National Income Estimates and Growth of India for the last five years.
Books Recommended:
Essential Readings:
Ø Edgar Thorpe and Showick Thorpe, The Pearson General Studies Manual-2008, Doroling Kindersley (Pvt.) Ltd. India (A Book from Pearson Education)
Ø Subash Kashyap, Our Constitution, New Delhi, National Book Trust
Ø Bipan Chandra, India’s Struggle for Independence(1857-1947), New Delhi, Penguin Books
Ø Dr. Deepak Maheshwari, Geography of India and World, Pratiyogi Sahitya series, Agra
Ø Martin Redfern, The Earth, Oxford University Press(Printed in India byRajshri Photo-lothographers, Delhi)
Ø Manorama Year Book
Reference Books:
Ø JN Pandey, Constitutional Law of India, Allahabad, Central Law Agency
Ø Savinder Singh, Physical Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad India
Magazines and Journals:
Ø Competition Success Review
Ø Competition Master
Ø India Today
Text book A Reader Foundation Course in General Studies, The IIS University, Jaipur, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur