This paper explains the origin, evolution and decline of the Mughals as a paramount power in India as well as their imperial, administrative and land revenue policy.The development of society, art and culture during Medieval Period shall be taken up along with the religious and economics developments.
Sources of study of Mughal India
Establishment of Mughal Rule in India-Babur, Humayun, Sher Shah.
Expansion of Mughal rule with special reference to Akbar-North Western Frontier Policy,Rajput Religious and Deccan Policy
Jahangir, Nurjahan Junta. Shah Jahan- Central Asian Policy, War of succession.
Aurangzeb and Decline of Mughal Empire.
Deccan Policy of Aurangzeb
Maratha – Mughal relations.
Central and Provincial Administration under Mughals.
Land Revenue system
Mansab and Jagir.
Society under the Mughals- Ruling class, Peasantry, Artisans.
Economy under the Mughals- Agriculture, Textile Industry, Trade and Commerce.
Essential Reading: